Sunday, November 15, 2009

Life Drawing

Been having a bit of a dissatisfying time at life drawing over the past few months, feeling like I don't get there often enough and I can't focus, and then people come who I've never seen before and they are just ace at drawing and I'm a complete waste of paper. Decided to really start working at developing my skills, to which end I have decided to try using a different method of drawing than my usual.

The method I'm using is the Giacometti method, which I read about in a blog ages ago, and if I can find the link again I'll post it.

Ah, here it is.

Very useful, even though I've only used it a couple of times previously, I have had some success with it.

So today, I consciously used the Giacometti technique and it worked really well, so in future I will be more considered in the way I draw the longer poses at the life drawing class.

Here's what I did today.


Jan Hopkins said...

Nice arse! ;)

Don't know how I'd get on with life drawing these days. It's been a long time.

The fearless threader said...

You just have to do it, that's all. Just go and do it. Sundays 11am to 1pm, Broomhall community centre, £5. Materials supplied, and of course the new one at Verdon street recreation centre 6.30pm to 8.30 pm mondays, from 7th december. £5. All welcome, some materials supplied. Shameless plug, sorry.

The bum belongs to Dave, who is the model on 7th december.